AFGE Leads in Title 38 Official Time Battle !!!


In November 2018 VA management tried to take away the ability for title 38 representative employees to use official time. AFGE took the VA to court and proved them wrong ! The court ruled the VA has to allow title 38 employees official time according to the law, 5 USC 7131.

AFGE appealed this action and restored Title 38 rights only to have the whitehouse appeal it to a lower courrt and get it reversed. We're still fighting !!!



5 USC 7131. Official time

(a) Any employee representing an exclusive representative in the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement under this chapter shall be authorized official time for such purposes, including attendance at impasse proceeding, during the time the employee otherwise would be in a duty status. The number of employees for whom official time is authorized under this subsection s hall not exceed the number of individuals designated as representing the agency for such purposes.